Wednesday, February 28, 2007

On the right track

Well at 8:45 this am, Yulin called to let me know that our file had indeed been misplace, it was witht the NSN files, and that as of yesterday we were in the review room, she called it dept 1, then in about a month we should be in dept 2, where the SC ( seeking confirmation ) letter will be issued, we are to sign it and return it to China, then the TA will be sent. so Yeahhh, we are on the right track, I was hoping that she would call to say that we were getting TA, but hey a girl has got to dream at times, I am glad that things are moving ahead, lately I have been feeling a bit of the stress of the unknown, when are we travelling, are we moving to Ottawa? is my mom going to be OK, she is getting operated for intestinal cancer tomorrow. I am finding myslef a bit stressed. I have to go see my doctor today, that really bothers me, I don't like her, I really don't feel the connection with her I should be have with my family MD. anyways I am going to ask for a referral for Kaï to the ORL, so we can get him on their waiting list.
Mia is outside my door playing iwth her dolls, she is such a sweetheart, I can't wait for Kaï to be able to play with his brother and sisters. Sébastien told me last night that he wants someone to sleep in his room. His way of saying he wants his little brother ? It is such an abstact thing for them to understand and it is taking soooooo long to happen. OK, if all goes well, we will be travelling in April, it will be a nice time to be in Beijing, the flowers will be out. I will have time to finish my mandarin classes. the exam is the 2nd of april...It looks like Kaï will be celebrating another birthday without his family, sniff sniff, but I swear we will never miss another one again!!!

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